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Unpacking! This week our shipment arrived from Oz, just 2 weeks short of a year since we packed up our home and life in Australia.
The truck just happened to arrive on Chris’ birthday, can’t be many who get 93 parcels to open on their special day 😉

Schmidt Global all the way from Amsterdam

We had to send off measurements in advance of the delivery- how wide is the gateway, what width is the lane and are there overhead cables?? Even so when this backed up to our gate our hearts sank. But these guys are amazing!! In no time the truck was reversed through the gate with only centimetres to spare either side.

Now the fun starts.

Anyone planning on moving across the world use OSS and these guys, talk about a slick operation from the two lads who packed up all our belongings to the two Dutch boys who had everything unloaded and in the house within a couple of hours and that included time for coffee!

An empty truck and it’s coffee time

Chris was fascinated by the rear wheels on the truck which turned in the same way as the steering front wheels.

Sooooooo. All the boxes were distributed around the house and out in the barns and all we had to do was unpack them🤔

A small selection

As I write this we’re into our third day of unpacking and sometimes you can’t help but wonder – why the hell did I pack this???!! However the joy of rediscovering all our special bits and pieces make up for the back breaking work and we only shipped across a third of a container.

We reckon that all should be revealed by the end of the weekend and then the real fun starts finding a place to put everything and the “discussion “ that will arise as to what picture hangs where?

Think we’ll just have a little rest and think it over.