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At long last we have some pictures on the walls (even if they are nearly all horsesšŸ˜Š), familiar furniture in place and our French farmhouse feels more like home.

The cow barn was a great place to hide all the collapsed boxes and bubble wrap and in no time at all they were picked up by a grateful Irish artist who is heading back home with his family. Thanks Mart for the couple of bottles of red!

Weā€™re now into trawling the online brocantes to pick up bits and pieces that we still need or forgot to pack!! Couldnā€™t resist this rug for 25 euros- adds a bit MORE colour to the downstairs bathroom/boot room.

Last weekend we decided to take a run down to our ā€œfirst French homeā€, a leisurely 3 to 4 hour drive in ā€œParsley ā€œ. It was great to catch up with Carolyn and all the 4 legged friends again,even if it was a bit chilly heading back on Monday morning.

A decent frost

Always a sign of a beautiful day and at least the sun was shining by the time we got home.

The mist rising and the frost melting en route

Hopefully it wonā€™t be too long before we can saddle up the bikes and get out to explore our local lanes, glad to say that we have limited traffic on our narrow roads (especially in these Covid times) and the French do seem to be very pro cycling, giving riders a wide berth – could be something to do with a likely huge fine if you knock someone off their bike!

Time to get in some training

When weā€™re not in training šŸ˜‰itā€™s great just to sit down with a good book. Canā€™t imagine there will be as much time to do that once Summer is here.

Who recognises the Rupertswood HT top????

For those that have enquired as to what the Covid situation is here currently, weā€™re allowed to travel between departments without an attestation at the moment but there is a 6pm curfew and itā€™s expected that masks be worn, compulsory in shops. No restaurants, galleries, theatres or gyms (Oh No!) open, but shops and hairdressers ok.

We have now got most of the ā€œurgent ā€œ redecorating done I.e. whited out the blue and purple walls, however itā€™s lovely to have this souvenir of the original wallpaper dating back to 1928 which was saved and framed by the previous owner.

1928 wallpaper

Time to sign off as weā€™re expecting another firewood delivery from our local farmer, a stere = a cubic metre (I think) and weā€™re nearly through 2, so hoping another 2 will get us through to Spring. šŸ¤ž