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Today is my birthday and this time last year we celebrated my last in Oz (after 37 years!) A memorable evening with special friends.

Just over a week later we headed off to our new life, never having heard of the word Covid. That final week was a roller coaster of emotions as we said Au Revoir to so many good and very special friends and a country that had given us every opportunity that we had dreamt of, plus some.
So twelve months on it’s hard not to reflect. Covid has definitely effected our plans, with a 4 month lockdown in the UK soon after arrival then restricted travel once we made it to France. But fingers crossed we count ourselves so very lucky to have got this far through a worldwide pandemic and to now be living in a country that we have always loved in a dream home .
Here’s hoping that gradually life gets back to some form of “normality “ and the very reasons for moving across the world become possible again – to spend time with family and childhood friends and with any luck to climb into “Parsley “ the Motorhome and travel around Europe. 🤞

Meanwhile here are some local photos!

Vienne woodlands

We took a drive last week to our neighbouring Departement on a clear day and as we headed a little further inland couldn’t believe the the Winter Wonderland we travelled through. Unfortunately not a good photo but the bare tree branches were laden with ice glittering in the sunshine, giving the whole landscape a magical touch. As the day warmed the ice began to melt, falling like broken glass scattered across the road.

Just a few days later we were out gardening in shirtsleeves! I thought Victoria had changeable weather 😊

A French Ladybird – black with a big red dot either side?!

Chris has been busy re discovering a secret corner of the garden. Beneath the ivy and timber and tin he discovered a little wooden chook shed and compartments for rabbits and chickens. Further signs of the working farm of the past.

We also found another entrance into the big cow barn!

Although our little patch is no longer a farm there are plenty of working farmers still living in the area. These are some of the “treasures “ stored by our neighbours.

So, now it’s time to head off to our local Super U to indulge in something special for supper tonight, planned and prepared by my wonderful man💕