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So, now we are into June and our plans are still on hold. There’s talk on social media that border restrictions within the EU may be lifted next week, however getting across the Channel may not be so easy – time will tell!

Some excitement last week when we were kept enthralled by the skill of a couple of tree surgeons in the back garden. Unfortunately after a couple of days of strong winds a 60’ lime tree, some 50 years old developed a huge split down the main trunk and for safety’s sake had to be dispatched. Within a few hours all limbs had been removed and the ground shook when the final main trunk hit the dirt.

Half way through the operation
A couple of skilled workers

After the majority of the timber had been removed it was left to a couple of unskilled workers to split and stack the rest!

Like the new hairstyle?!

Beats a workout at the gym

When not in the garden, the days are spent in “my art room”. Recently I was moved by the many posts and general protest to the plight of the Brumbies in Australia and an inspiring poem that was posted.

Ode to the Brumby