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Well this week had a couple of “down days” when we literally fell down a ditch!!

Autumn has arrived in Lot et Garonne as you can see from the sad (as in dead) sunflowers and the leaves on the trees, which now have a hint of orange if they haven’t already fallen. It’s a whole new experience, well long forgotten experience for us, this definite change of seasons.
We arrived at the tail end of Winter, saw Spring emerge in England with warmer days and a burst of wildflowers, made it to France for some scorching Summer days and now we have rain. Hence the falling in the ditch!!

Once they were a sea of brilliant yellow.

What happened was – after a couple of days of steady rain the driveway turned into a bit of a skid pan. Making every attempt to avoid the water filled potholes “Parsley” whilst travelling along the grassy edge took a dive into the well disguised drainage ditch!

A somewhat precarious angle
No, I didn’t run him over (I wasn’t at the wheel 🤫)

Anyhow to keep the story short, having tried to extricate ourselves (no luck) followed by help from a neighbours 4 wheel drive and a tow rope (no luck), another knight in shining armour with a land rover and all the gear ( no luck) it was decided we’d have to call in the professionals. By this time we were all drenched and personally I’d lost the will to live! So that was how I missed the final bit of excitement when the French recovery vehicle driven by a skilled French driver neatly positioned himself to winch “Parsley “ along the ditch to safety and up onto the tip tray, with a somewhat embarrassed driver bravely steering at a 45 degree tilt!
All done in no time at all and after an undercarriage check the following morning courtesy of the aforesaid knight in shining armour, “Parsley “ was declared fit and well.

Fresh fig tart, creme fraiche and Grand Mariner.

One of the Up days was a successful attempt at baking. Having gathered fresh figs from the garden (in the sunshine) it was time to have a go at baking – not a talent that I possess. With the help of some gorgeous butter rich French pastry (purchased in the local supermarket) a drizzle of honey and a “smear” of Grand Marnier, they went down rather well!
The range of fresh fruit, veg, herbs and general produce over here would tempt the most reluctant chef.

Having enjoyed coffee this morning with some friends we haven’t seen since last year, we found out that English cats and French cats don’t speak the same language?! Their 3 English cats who travelled over to their new home in France will have nothing to do with the three adopted French cats (or could it be the other way around?)
Who knew??? 😂😂

Oh, that second “down” was the devaluation of the Aussie dollar this week- What the ……………….!!!!