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Yesterday was all a bit overwhelming.

It’s challenging enough dealing with a move and setting up utilities etc. but add the challenge of a foreign language and some days are a bit harder than others! That said we have electricity and water signed up so now it’s really just phone and internet. The thought of being without communication is the cause of yesterday’s stress. We have received our “box” but the simple plugging in and connecting doesn’t seem quite that simple? Plus somewhere within the mysteries of La Poste we have a mobile phone sim en route.

So this morning when I opened the shutters to blue sky and sunshine everything seemed ok and what better way to clear the head than take a walk and explore our locality a little more. All within a 1 km radius of course!!

View across the courtyard
Love our neighbours weathervane

How about that clear blue sky for mid November! Temperatures still getting up to the high teens although I can’t help wondering what winter has in store for us?

We really are in wonderful rural surroundings, our neighbours are mostly farmers or some work down the road at the Cognac distillery ( look forward to visiting that one day).
Whichever direction we walk there’s always someone who wants a “chat”.

The prize for cutest goes to this little person.

This morning’s walk also revealed a few hidden treasures, there’s a tractor in there somewhere and the harvester makes a good vine trellis.

One of the neighbours

The rest of the day was spent in the garden, veggie patch weeded – ✅ Leaves raked – ✅ Pool cleaned – ✅ Lawn mowed – ✅

Must be time for a coffee and a gorgeous galette bikkie.