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With restrictions being slightly lifted here in England, we’ve been able to put Stage 1 of our original plan into action!
We’re on the search for a little Motorhome to enable us (as and when?) to progress to Stage 2 in France. Have visited a couple of dealers, all being very careful to maintain social distancing with gloves and masks at the ready.

First outing in 2 months
Protection in place

Whilst back at base we’ve been watching a couple of very busy little blue tits diving in and out of their nesting box, then this morning 4 baby blue tits left the nest. The tiny bundles of fluff chose the windiest day this Spring to test their wings and sadly one ditched in the garden trough and drowned before we could get there😢

Taking a break from flight training
Grounded due to strong cross winds
All about blue tits

Such different little characters to the boisterous, brightly coloured Rosellas we used to see, but every bit as entertaining.
RIP little one.