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After many months of preparation, paperwork and emotional highs and lows we’re now on the other side of the world🌏

From nearly “frying” in bushfires we’re now wrapped up in scarves and beanies to avoid freezing. No, seriously it’s not that bad!!!
There are definite signs of Spring with masses of daffodils, snowdrops and crocuses/crocii??!! All adding a splash of colour to the very green countryside.

Our neighbours in the UK😊

A few days in Ireland provided a welcome “horse fix” staying with my very oldest friend. Always a delight to see one of the up and coming Paulank youngsters out schooling.

Just a little schooling fence!
XC schooling course with an Irish castle as a backdrop.

Unfortunately we’ve now been stopped in our tracks by hefty head colds, which mean a slight delay in getting to France. Plans are to be there next week.

“On y va!”