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Here’s hoping that we can all take some time out of this crazy Covid world to celebrate and enjoy the time of year. Wishing all friends old and new a Very Merry Christmas 💕

We’ve been lucky enough to meet up with a few neighbours despite restrictions and have received welcome gifts from freshly dug carrots to bubbles and gingerbread men! We look forward to a more active social life with our new English speaking friends and the opportunity to develop our French with our farming neighbours.

Gotta love these guys 😂

This week we’ve also bought ourselves a Christmas present. “When in France……………..”. You just have to have a little white van. So neatly tucked in alongside Parsley the Peugeot we have Renee the Renault. Little more than a motorised wheelbarrow, a Kangoo is an essential piece of equipment here in France. A 2 seater with a sliding side door and double back doors, ideal for picking up furniture and goodies from the brocantes or loading up with garden waste for the dechetterie.

Will take Renee out for a spin along the country lanes today, time to get used to driving on the wrong side of the car as well as the wrong side of the road!

So, winter is now putting in an appearance with some greyer damper days however there’s usually a burst of sunshine at some stage and it’s certainly not what I’d call cold yet – that’s to come. Thanks to our neighbour Jean-Guy who delivered a load of chopped wood, we’re set up for a few weeks of log burning. The two wood burners keep the house toasty warm and you can even cook on one of them!

There’s always something to do

Now that we’ve had some expert advice re the garden, the New Year will be devoted to pruning, thinning, weeding and a certain amount of tree removal. We’ve identified what we have – pear, apple, quince, plum, fig and of course olives. There are also plans to develop a veggie garden. Could be a full time job, but hopefully there’ll always be time to pick up a paintbrush now that “the studio “ is sorted.

Such brilliant natural light

Just waiting on the arrival of our container from Oz stacked full of art supplies (and a few sticks of furniture). We know it’s landed and is currently in Amsterdam awaiting delivery. Sadly now not likely to be in time for Christmas, but we’ve still managed to create some Christmas cheer and are keeping fingers crossed that my big bro’ may make it here next week.

Painting is our Sketch for Survival purchase “Wildfire “ by Patsy Moore

I think this final photo depicts our year, from devastating fires in Australia back in January to a Northern Hemisphere Christmas filled with tradition.

Take care xxxx