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So the first day of December has arrived and we’re still outside either having coffee in the courtyard or taking a walk around our rural surroundings.

Restrictions have been lifted a little but we still want to avoid cities, large towns and crowds in the current Covid climate. We’re really lucky to have a great little supermarket within cycling distance (when the bikes arrive) but have also ventured 15/20 mins down the road to shop in Rouillac. The pleasant and easy drive takes us past the vineyards and processing plant for some of the cognac producers in the area.

The Chateau gatehouse
Martell family Château???

We hope to visit this one which sits opposite the Martell plant, look forward to learning more of the history when possible.

When not out doing our twice weekly provisions shops ( used to be daily before restrictions!) then it’s great to be out doing things in the garden. The pool has now been winterised and wrapped up in it’s winter cover, to be reopened probably in April.

The coffee cabin
Revarnishing the boards
Good time to repaint the vine covered entrance
Happily cleaning tack!!

Our barn has revealed all sorts of goodies in the way of old gear and tools, so currently channeling my inner Angel from “Escape to the Château “ and recycling bits for decoration. Knew I shouldn’t have got rid of my old horse gear😊

Waiting for the dining room table

Interior wise we’ve only tackled the blue wall in the dining area, the change to white has brightened things up enough that we may keep the old tile floor rather than re-tile. That’s the “servants staircase” i.e the one I use! There’s a wider curved option in the hallway.

And after a “hard” day painting no better treat than oysters fresh from the coast bought in our local market.