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Now back at base after our extended trip to England and gardens feature in this post!

Whilst spending a few days with our good mate Ian we took the opportunity to visit nearby Wisley Gardens, an extensive and fascinating area run by the Royal Horticultural Society. We managed to pick a day during the half term holidays, so joined the many family groups in the queue to enter, but such is the size of Wisley there was plenty of space for all once through the entry gate.

The original house soon to open as a museum to flora

Now take a walk through the gardens.

This was a fascinating slice of oak detailing it’s growth throughout history. A sapling in the days of Charles Darwin.

What about this for a sculpture! And I’m not talking about “The Three Stooges” 😊

Can you come home with me???

As you can see somehow I was far more interested in the art than the flora!

These happy hares were on a massive scale too.


Another interesting display of various pine cones.


Another beautiful sculpture “Diving into the ocean of Life”

Another lovely day out was spent at Wotton Auction Rooms. Now, I thought that French brocantes had treasures galore, but we were blown away with the variety and extensive number of items up for auction over the two days.
So, what do you buy?? Two horses of course!!

One of my childhood dreams was to have a rocking horse like this.

And then when I was old enough to follow horse racing on the telly Arkle was my hero!

And so we moved into November and the 5th is Guy Fawkes night, it was great to be able to join old friends and  meet new ones around the bonfire with mulled wine, hot sausages, mugs of chilli and an old favourite – toffee apples.

The following evening we headed back across The Channel and having left in a drought returned home to find a garden like a forest and a hay crop growing in the front yard! A few weeks work ahead of us!

But firstly there was some tack to be cleaned 😂😂 OK I now know this must be a second childhood !!