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We Made It

Just sitting here in the sunshine (beside the pool) pinching myself. We’ve actually made it to a France, a little later than planned but what the heck! Had a great trip down to the SW taking our time in “Parsley” checking areas and making notes as we travelled. The...

On y va!!!

Just into July and our plans are beginning to take shape. A 4 month delay but hey we were lucky enough to spend that time with family, see the seasons change in England and enjoy some quiet time in the Gloucestershire countryside, unwinding from the frenetic time at...

Still On Hold

So, now we are into June and our plans are still on hold. There’s talk on social media that border restrictions within the EU may be lifted next week, however getting across the Channel may not be so easy – time will tell! Some excitement last week when we were...

Movement in the Air

With restrictions being slightly lifted here in England, we’ve been able to put Stage 1 of our original plan into action! We’re on the search for a little Motorhome to enable us (as and when?) to progress to Stage 2 in France. Have visited a couple of dealers, all...

Time Marches On

Our daily dog walks now are in shirtsleeves or a jumper rather than waterproofs and beanies! Spring is moving towards Summer, different flowers are blooming- the daffodils and bluebells are over and we’ve started to net the gooseberries and other fruit. Irises in the...

Trouble in the hen house!

Woke up yesterday to discover evidence of a raid on the hen house. Luckily the two little bantams survived the ordeal, minus a few feathers! Blonde and friend It was a pretty determined raid by the would be burglar who shredded the rope tying down the roof, removed...