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Le Tour

Just back from a couple of great days following the TDF. That annual bike race that draws fans from all around the world ( in a normal year!) but even in this crazy Covid time the local fans lined the streets, masks in place, to watch their heroes flash by in a...

On the Road Again

We decided this week to take a trip to Normandy, as you do! The “excuse” was a visit to see John and Steev, another pair of intrepid Aussie travellers who have also decided to make a new life in France 🇫🇷. It was sooooo good to catch up, hear about all their...

Paper Trail

Well step one of buying a house in France kicked off today with an electronic signature on the Compromis de Vente! This preliminary agreement begins the paper trail which is part and parcel of French administration. The final settlement should be around the second...

What is Down that Road?

On the road again with our travelling companions Enjoying the scenery as we travel in “Parsley” the Peugeot and stopping off to research areas as our possible next home base. Lots of research going on here! Thought you might like to join in with us, with the following...

On the Hunt

Well it’s all go with the house hunting currently, if we’re not viewing with agents we’re driving around “researching “ areas!There are some lovely properties around where we are currently based in both the Dordogne and Lot-et-Garonne, but after 10 visits 2 had offers...

Check out the Countryside

Each morning we wander off down the drive and get “Lost in France” (anyone else old enough to remember that great song!?) We’d certainly cover a few more kms on a horse but enjoy the walk and pretend that it’s good for us. Something has to offset the cheese and wine!...