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Horse Power

Horse Power

Well, what a week!! Just back from Normandy where we enjoyed a fabulous few days combining four-legged and four wheeled horse power. It’s 7 years since we “enjoyed” the Eventing at the World Equestrian Games and at the weekend we returned to Haras du Pin for a totally...
Sunflowers and more sunflowers

Sunflowers and more sunflowers

Here we are in August, the French holiday season and the season of sunflowers 🌻 Our regular round the block cycle ride is a sea of yellow with some of the flowers bigger than dinner plates! Talking of “dinner”, just down the road is our local snail farmer –...
Is it really a year?!

Is it really a year?!

On Monday of this week we realised that it was exactly a year ago that we stepped onto French soil ready for the next chapter in life. So no better way to celebrate than have a gathering of new friends from our local area. As we’re unable to view the Tour de France...
June Update

June Update

Well, summer has arrived! After an unseasonably cold, damp May we’re now enjoying the heat and sunshine of the Charente. The pool is getting daily use ( was there ever I time I didn’t want one ??!😂) and the garden keeps on giving. After an abundance of roses (all...
Let Out of Jail

Let Out of Jail

Well over the last couple of weeks Covid restrictions in France have been gradually lifting. Not that we have ever felt that we were restricted! Our daily life has been barely effected here in rural France, although it is a joy now to be able to travel around the...
A Week to Remember

A Week to Remember

I was planning to just do an update once a month, especially as we are under Covid regulations at the moment. However as I use this little blog as something of a personal diary as well as recording our life in France (for those that are interested) there was something...
Some Easter Colour

Some Easter Colour

Easter weekend and we’re back in semi-lockdown! Our 7pm to 6am curfew continues and we now must travel no further than 10kms from home without a good reason and a completed attestation form. Having said that it really isn’t going to effect us much at all, other than...
Art Supplies and Angouleme

Art Supplies and Angouleme

Had a lovely day out earlier in the week with friends taking a trip to Angouleme to purchase art supplies, something that is not readily available in rural France! Needless to say there were many “must haves” purchased and I now have enough goodies to keep me and a...
Brocante Buys

Brocante Buys

Anyone who watches “Escape to the Chateau “ knows how tempting a visit to the local antique/junk shop can be!! Currently we are not restricted to travelling within France although there are definitely areas to avoid Covid wise, so over the last couple of weeks we’ve...
The Last 12 Months (where did that go?!)

The Last 12 Months (where did that go?!)

Today is my birthday and this time last year we celebrated my last in Oz (after 37 years!) A memorable evening with special friends. Just over a week later we headed off to our new life, never having heard of the word Covid. That final week was a roller coaster of...