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Well having got a bit behind with this blog there’s a fair bit to catch up on! With winter now behind us and some sunny Spring days we are now out of hibernation and back on the road.

The warmer weather has also meant some time in the garden where a bit of “renovating” is going on. New gravel paths around the veggie beds and a total revamp of a rather shaded flower bed which needed colour. Another few weeks and we can look forward to a riot of colour.

Chris working on the paths

Now it wouldn’t be a blog of mine unless horses were involved somewhere! So the last weekend in March we headed the 2.5 hour drive east to Pompadour to see a National Eventing Championship. Sad to say the weather that weekend was wet and cold so after watching a handful of dressage tests we took cover in a local bistro for a spot of lunch😊🍷A brighter pm meant we could walk the xc which although in a contained area beneath the chateau was undulating and testing enough. The course wound around and between the steeplechase fences and racecourse and a return for the annual steeple meeting is a must!

Although not yet officially open for the tourist season we managed a sneaky look around the outside of the chateau.

One of the competitors heading back down the road to the stables.

Thought this was pretty flashy!

So with horses out of the way and brother Dave visiting for a couple of weeks it was a good “excuse “ to take a drive over to La Rochelle enjoy the old port and have lunch on the quayside.

Thanks for taking the photo Dave!

We also stopped off at Dampierre-Boutonne for another chateau fix 😂 Although again a little early in the season so not fully open to the public.

Now that Easter weekend is here it seems that France has come alive with festivals, brocantes, exhibitions etc. advertised on flyers in every shop window. We also have a monthly free booklet “Sortir” in our area with all the details, available from boulangeries and tabacs they disappear pretty quickly once the weather warms up.

Yesterday we headed back over to the coast to Châtelaillon-Plage for the annual International Kite Festival! Not knowing what to expect we were blown away by the number of people flocking to this seaside town. After driving round in circles looking for a parking spot we were about to throw our toys out of the pram and head home when miraculously a spot appeared in front of us😂 Thinking ahead we decided on lunch first opting for the traditional seaside dish of moules frites and a glass of rose.

Then it was just a short walk down to the sea front (not that you could see the sea as it was about a kilometre out due to low tide) to join the happy crowds marvelling at the colours and variety of kites on show. Pop up bars and cafes lined the promenade with side roads closed off to traffic, it all had a great atmosphere with everyone enjoying the sunshine.

A festival over 3 days

Just some of the amazing kites on show

Spiderman has landed

This guy was brilliant click on link below to see


And to follow a little more history and architecture when we stopped off to see the old Centre of St Jean dAngely, a place we have driven by regularly for the last couple of years😂

Finally another roundabout favourite outside Surgeres where apparently the poet Pierre Ronsard was commanded in the 1500’s by Catherine de Medici to compose some sonnets to honour Helene daughter of the Baron of Surgeres.

Well, what d’y a know😂