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As I write this latest update it’s hard to believe that yesterday we celebrated 12 months in our French home! Certain things have been achieved whilst others have not. Covid certainly put a stop to many of our travel plans as it has around the world, but that’s allowed us to well and truly settle into our new way of life.
Interior wise we have redecorated certain rooms and found “brocante treasures” to add to the decor.Outside we’ve learnt what it means to have a garden and for Chris the “joy” of maintaining a pool 😉

I’ve discovered the joy of harvesting and bottling your own produce – just the olives to go now!

The last of the autumn colour in the garden, with our seriously pollarded big tree on the right “I thought it was just havin’ a littl’ ‘aircut”.

We did manage a final trip in the motorhome for this year to Pau down in the bottom left hand corner of France, this was for the 5 * Horse Trials and as promised/threatened here is more horse spam!!
We foolishly went close to Bordeaux on the way down passing by kilometers of vineyards and the odd familiar sounding sign post. However not recommended traffic wise and we came back on a different route.

Known to be a good drop🍷

We arrived safely after a longish drive and were able to park on the very edge of the venue alongside the racetrack, swiftly joined by about 20 other motorhomes.

The chauffeur and mates having a siesta

Dressage day was bright and sunny and the venue was a smaller version of Badminton/Burghley. No stately home or Chateau backdrop this time but a XC course combining parkland and racecourse, along with an array of trade stands and in true French fashion an extensive food area!

It was fun the following morning to wake to the sound of racehorses at work on the track, before Brekky and a walk around the cross country.

The course is basically flat with areas a bit reminiscent of Werribee 3DE. The fences were beautifully decorated and there can’t be too many courses that boast a “chandelier “?

Whilst course walking it was great to meet and have a chat with one of my idols – that charming legend of a team trainer Chris Bartle.

Cross country day was cool and damp but we saw some great rounds, others not so good and found time to enjoy a moules frites lunch.

Good crowds all around the course and the French are enthusiastic spectators which all adds to the atmosphere.

The trade area although mainly targeted at horse owners also had an art corner with a handful of painters and sculptors.

One of the larger “sculptures “

Even this size were a touch pricey!

Whilst having lunch on the Saturday (had to test a few different dining options!) we had front row seats to watch these roving entertainers – they were hilarious, clever and talented, managing to mimic riders and their everyday antics whilst chatting with the audience in French and English. 👏👏👏

Alongside the eventers there was also a high level combined driving event going on, although not as dramatic as watching 4 in hand it still added to the excitement of the weekend.

Having treated ourselves to covered stand tickets for the Sunday we were able to watch the final trot up at the leisurely hour of 12.30!

A recognisable figure

A very influential show jumping course made for an exciting end to an enjoyable event, our second French Three Day, with well deserved winner Tim Price putting on a masterclass of a SJ round to take out the top spot on the podium 👌