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As we head into the second week of October autumn is in the air.

In our rural area harvesting is in full swing with grapes being picked, sunflower seeds gathered and our own bit of harvesting of walnuts from the garden.

Autumn mist on our morning walk
The now dead, dry sunflowers
Sunflower harvester
Grape picking the traditional way
Walnuts from the magnificent old tree in the garden

We’ve also been quite busy familiarising ourselves with French administration. We were warned in advance that paperwork rules over here so came (sort of) prepared with numerous copies of essential items. Something seemingly as simple as opening a bank account requires passport, birth and marriage certificates, proof of address, plus utilities and passport of your landlord/landlady! Then there is health registration and insurance to deal with along with re-registration of a vehicle, change of drivers license and oh yes purchase of a house 😊
I feel sure that we will come across many more little challenges as we adjust to our new life.

A small sample of paperwork

Despite the “stress” of paperwork there’s also been time to enjoy some art. I was lucky enough to live the dream of doing an art workshop en plein aire IN FRANCE a few weeks ago and then this week received some hugely exciting news that a watercolour that I’d done during lockdown has been selected for an exhibition. What the …………..??!!

Each year the “Explorers Against Extinction “ trust hold a “Sketch for Survival “ auction and exhibition. All works submitted from around the world are donated to raise funds for this worthy cause.

With time on my hands and a love of animals as an art subject I gave it a go, choosing the Red Panda from the list of endangered species. Although materials to hand were limited the resulting watercolour was duly posted off back in June. Then this week news comes through that my little “Fire Cat” is one of the 100 works selected to be exhibited in November in wait for it – London!!!! Dreams can come true!

“Fire Cat” The Red Panda