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Back to Old Blighty

Back to Old Blighty

Is it really two years since we were last in England?…All those plans of regular jaunts across The Channel were scuppered with Covid travel regulations and it is only recently that we managed a quick 2 week trip to catch up with family and friends. So it was all...
Could horses be involved – again??!!

Could horses be involved – again??!!

The first weekend in March we headed back down into familiar territory when we returned to Monflanquin, to catch up with Carolyn and to revisit our first home in France. We spent 4 months during the summer of 2020  in the beautiful rural surrounds of Lot et Garonne...
Just the best birthday!!

Just the best birthday!!

Back home again after a few days away. We headed South not only to grab a bit of winter sun but (wait for it!) to attend a horse event 😂 A three day Camargue Horse Festival at Les Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer. We left home on a grey, wet day taking it easy in “Tonto” the...
Weekly outings?

Weekly outings?

Well it hasn’t quite worked out that way but we have managed one exploration/adventure this month. On a lovely sunny Winter’s day we took “Tonto” on an outing to The Blue Lakes near Guizengeard. Didn’t quite look this Blue the day we visited but a fascinating spot....
Another year older, another year wiser?????

Another year older, another year wiser?????

A Happy New Year !! 2022 has arrived and all that it brings. Here in our quiet little corner of France life is soon back to normal after Christmas/ New Year festivities. The exact opposite to the 6week summer break we remember in Australia 😂 So currently it’s winter...