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Trouble in the hen house!

Woke up yesterday to discover evidence of a raid on the hen house. Luckily the two little bantams survived the ordeal, minus a few feathers! Blonde and friend It was a pretty determined raid by the would be burglar who shredded the rope tying down the roof, removed...

Home Schooling

As the days and weeks drift into each other it’s hard to believe we’ve been on this side of the world for 10 weeks now! In some ways it feels like forever as we have completely settled into our new way of life “social distancing “ and filling the days. Bit of home...


A word that probably means something different to each of us. In this crazy world we’re currently dealing with, isolation and restrictions are effecting many of us. Yesterday I had a bit of a “down day” just feeling sorry for myself that our plans for a possible new...

Back at Base

And when we’re not out on exercise the day is filled in other ways. Never thought I would be a jigsaw fan, but it’s amazing how addictive they are (and supposedly good for the brain!?) Have moved on from 200 to 300 pieces and next is the 500! Bit of education too,...

Out on Exercise!

We’re settling into a daily self isolating routine now, which includes a daily walk around the local fields ( note not paddocks!) Still find it hard to believe that here in the UK you seem to be allowed to march around anyones farm, including one regular walk which...