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Getting on with things!

So the first day of December has arrived and we’re still outside either having coffee in the courtyard or taking a walk around our rural surroundings. Restrictions have been lifted a little but we still want to avoid cities, large towns and crowds in the current Covid...


Well the fabulous Autumn weather continues, so each day takes us out walking in a different direction making the most of the sunshine, plus getting our allowed daily exercise 😊 Our local village of Aigre is within easy walking distance (to pick up baguettes and...

Saved by the Sun

Yesterday was all a bit overwhelming. It’s challenging enough dealing with a move and setting up utilities etc. but add the challenge of a foreign language and some days are a bit harder than others! That said we have electricity and water signed up so now it’s really...

“Signed, Sealed, Delivered”

Well this is the first post from our “new” home, rushing it off today before our internet and phone get cut off on Monday! Trying to contact a telephone company in France is every bit as hard as in Oz. The trip up on Thursday was uneventful, not a sign of a roadblock...

The Next Chapter

Well this time next week we should be in our new home (see August post titled Paper Trail) either that or in jail!!! France has returned to lockdown due to rising Covid numbers so every time we leave the property there is a form to fill in (be sure to tick the right...