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Well, summer has arrived! After an unseasonably cold, damp May we’re now enjoying the heat and sunshine of the Charente. The pool is getting daily use ( was there ever I time I didn’t want one ??!😂) and the garden keeps on giving.

After an abundance of roses (all perfumed) the veggie patch is going into production, strawberries ripening, zucchini (yellow and green) getting larger by the day, tomatoes appearing and the celeriac, chillies and pepper have just gone in.

Colour pops up in every corner I just love this garden, anyone know what this is ???

One of our many rose bushes, a little climber in the”woodland “ section

Covid regulations are easing a little more so we took the opportunity to have a few days away, heading north to Normandy. It was great to catch up once again with John and Steev and to see the massive amount of work they have done on their place in the last few months and to hear their plans for the work ahead. In the words of Sir Humphrey Appleby “very courageous Minister “!

We also wanted to check out a few of the stages for this year’s Tour de France due to begin on the 26th of this month. We covered some familiar routes and look forward to hopefully following some of Le Tour again this year, all dependent on motor home registration!!!

A familiar name to some 😉
A very distant view of Mont St Michel
Another road sign I just 💕
”Army on the move”

June 6th in Normandy saw the annual D-Day commemorations, although we didn’t travel to The Beaches it was great to get a glimpse of these girls heading a convoy of old army vehicles.

One of the villages on Le Tour route
Love that they have repainted the Mairie
The shop windows all set to go

As you can see we are still taking precautions with masks over here although not compulsory outside, they must be worn in shops.

The other high spot of this month so far was the arrival of my brother Dave! He made it out of Jersey within 24hours of travel restrictions changing once again. The “political game “ that appears to be going on between Britain and France over Covid travel regulations is getting beyond a joke.

He made it!!
Soon put to work as the new “Pool boy”

Finally with Summer here we’re now able to enjoy some regular al fresco dining.

That along with the choice of ingredients when shopping easily makes up for the fact that eating out has been “banned” for so many months.

A small selection at the cheese counter 😂