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Well over the last couple of weeks Covid restrictions in France have been gradually lifting.
Not that we have ever felt that we were restricted! Our daily life has been barely effected here in rural France, although it is a joy now to be able to travel around the country and not have to fill in forms detailing why!!
So today we decided to head over to our closest stretch of coastline a leisurely 90 minute drive away. No thought of sunbathing or swimming as we are still experiencing the wettest, coolest May in decades.

Our warm, sunny April was just a tempter of what is to come (hopefully 😊)

Coffee stop at Mortagne-sur-Gironde

Having travelled through the vineyards of Cognac, we pulled up at the mouth of the Gironde river, due north of Bordeaux. Unfortunately the sun stayed hidden but the French are out and about with motor homes lining the opposite bank.

Travelling north there was lots of activity on the beach at Royan as the sand was being groomed to perfection ready for the weekend, the first weekend in months that all shops and restaurants (with outside seating) have been able to open.

Merry go Round in place ready to go

As always I love snapping the various decorated roundabouts we see on our travels, usually depicting some historical or industry relevant centerpiece.

Model of the local fishing huts

Further up the road we shopped for a picnic before pulling in alongside a familiar stretch of the Atlantic to enjoy food and a leg stretch.

The fishing huts need closer inspection

I know that these have been posted before but we got up closer this time😊

Back to “Parsley “ the Peugeot for another little section of coastline before turning back inland and homeward bound.

Whilst picnic shopping we indulged in all the fabulous goodies that Grand Frais (a wonderful indoor market chain) have to offer and came back with supplies of fresh veggies, fruit, fish and exotic nibbles and spices.

Roses from the garden and some Grand Frais goodies!