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Easter weekend and we’re back in semi-lockdown!

Our 7pm to 6am curfew continues and we now must travel no further than 10kms from home without a good reason and a completed attestation form. Having said that it really isn’t going to effect us much at all, other than restricting any social gatherings. Our regular shopping for provisions is approx. 5kms away as is the local garage. The boulangerie is a 2km cycle ride and there is no restriction on exercising so local walks and cycles will still take place.

With the garden bursting into colour and a few projects on the go , there’s no real need to go out the gate😊

The irises/lilies??? are coming out in the front and back garden. OK so I’m still learning about gardening…………!!

The tulips are in full bloom and we just love the “alizarin crimson” ones.

The blossom and leaves are appearing on the fruit trees.

There are also a couple of “building “ projects on the go. Chris has repaired a section of wall which came down after some over enthusiastic ivy removal!

Whilst I have been dry stone walling 😊 Well putting a stone border around the edge of the “summer kitchen” and clothes drying area.

Tomorrow is pool opening day! The pool has been covered and pump removed over winter, so heaven knows how it will look when the covers come off. We decided to get the professionals in to do this for us and then hopefully we can manage the cleaning and year round maintenance ourselves from then on?! Meanwhile the “pool boy” set to with the Karcher to clean the surrounding tiles.

However after a spell of glorious sunshine and warm weather, the forecast tomorrow is for temperatures in single figures with snow in some areas, so we could be revealing an ice rink!!!