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The final week of 2020 saw some dramatic weather changes in France with Storm Bella sweeping across the country. We reckon we got off lightly here in our neck of the woods. after taking a trip to the coast and passing through some pretty wet and windswept areas. Heading west a gentle one and a half hour drive in “Parsley” we passed through Cognac and on towards Royan before meeting the sea at Palais-sur-Mer. Although out of season and obviously effected by Covid restrictions it was good to see a few folk out taking in the sea air. The following photos show some results of the Storm.

Flotsam and jetsam
Remnants of Christmas
Little fishing huts amongst the Atlantic rollers

As we travelled back to our rural pocket of The Charente, the sun broke through and our travelling companions found a crock of gold at the end of the rainbow.🌈

And so to New Year- what’s down the road for 2021???

Having decided not to farewell 2020 we hit the sack a bit before midnight and woke this morning to a layer of white! No not snow but a pretty decent frost had us up and out on an early walk to enjoy the novelty of Winter weather 😄I’m sure the novelty will wear off soon enough, but it was fantastic to head out on our one hour Château circuit which takes us through our little hamlet, out along the riverbank (now flowing high and fast), back through the fallow fields ( note not paddocks anymore 😂) and home past our local mysterious and intriguing Château hidden behind high walls and no longer inhabited.

This was a meandering little stream a couple of weeks ago
Icicles decorate the Château walls

And just to show that it was a bit chilly what do you reckon to the outfit???!!! Couldn’t find my beanie so the scarf at least kept the ears warm.

The red nose is due to the temperature!!!