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Well this is the first post from our “new” home, rushing it off today before our internet and phone get cut off on Monday! Trying to contact a telephone company in France is every bit as hard as in Oz.

The trip up on Thursday was uneventful, not a sign of a roadblock or a single gendarme!

It was a beautiful sunny day as we said a fond farewell to our temporary home of 4 months, not easy to say Au Revoir to Carolyn and all the animals.

The signing of the final Acte de Vente was made very easy by our charming English speaking notaire and the support of our long term contact Tom at Charente Immobilier. The appointment at 6 pm was prolonged a little when we discovered that Laurent races cars! So there was much discussion about the pros and cons of 2CVs and historic races. We eventually made it back in the dark to No 2 Rue de la Citerne.

The next morning began the start of the rest of our life and hopefully we may welcome some of you in the future to our dream French home.

There are plenty of photos on the August post “Paper Trail” for anyone interested in seeing more, but these are some taken this morning.

View out of one of the front doors with “Parsley “ stabled.
Thanks Simon for leaving the wood supply.
Will be exciting to see what appears in the veggie patch, some established rosemary and thyme there.
The old cow barn, with feeding trough down the side
The pool ready to be shut down for the winter

Now inside is a work in progress, there’s a certain amount of redecorating we want to do and although our lovely vendor left a huge number of things behind for us, there is no lounge suite at the moment! But there is a tv, hidden in the cabinet!

Today, the second in our new home was spent outside- harvesting olives from the two trees ready to bottle in a couple of weeks time.

And then it was down to the start of the redecorating, we were lucky enough to buy some paint supplies before lockdown although I think hardware shops and building suppliers are still allowed to trade. First job was to put a second coat of paint on the sitting room dado.

Look at the speed of that brush!!

Tomorrow we hope to make a start on changing the kitchen from a colourful yellow and blue to a more traditional white to go with the timber features. One thing is for sure there will be plenty to occupy us inside and out for the next 3 months!!!