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Just back from a couple of great days following the TDF.

That annual bike race that draws fans from all around the world ( in a normal year!) but even in this crazy Covid time the local fans lined the streets, masks in place, to watch their heroes flash by in a colourful stream.

Our trip this year took us across the Millau bridge, that sensational structure the tallest bridge in the world at over 1,000 feet strung across the Tarn valley.

Here it comes boys

Although I’d have to say it’s far more impressive to travel under and look up at the elegant beauty of it, than it is to travel over where there is absolutely no sensation of height!
From there we continued on through Saint-Affrique as we followed the route planned for the following day on the lookout for our overnight campsite.


We were lucky enough to find a great roadside spot on the side of a long uphill section, looking across a fabulous rural valley.

Okay let the fun begin.

The build up throughout the day is all part of the spectacle, as spectators begin to gather ready for “La Caravane“ the parade of sponsors floats who stream through an hour before, hyping up the crowd with music, blaring horns and endless giveaways thrown in all directions.

And then there’s silence as everyone waits and listens for the telltale sound of helicopters, a sure sign the peloton is on it’s way!

In a matter of seconds it’s all over and they battle on their way followed by endless support vehicles.

Soon the road is empty once again as picnics are packed up and flags stowed away. In no time at all peace returns to rural France with the avid Tour supporters already on their way to seek out the best spot for the next day’s stage.

Packing up

We followed on behind “the circus” that is the Tour de France marvelling at the speed with which everything is dismantled and moved on to the next stage.

And so having been a part of Stage 7 & 9 of this year’s Tour we might well just head over to Grenoble and into the Alps for Stage 17! Watch this space 😊