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We decided this week to take a trip to Normandy, as you do!

The “excuse” was a visit to see John and Steev, another pair of intrepid Aussie travellers who have also decided to make a new life in France 🇫🇷.

It was sooooo good to catch up, hear about all their experiences (good and bad) and to see the 4 horses/3 dogs and cat all settled in their new life. Their move was epic, compared to our little shift! We had a fun evening out together over muscadet and moules frites and enjoyed a few Kath and Kim sayings along with the reminiscing!

Anyone for “baby cheeses”?

A fleeting visit but we look forward to seeing the guys again in the not too distant future- Covid allowing. On that subject we know cases are increasing here after the holiday season and it could be that restrictions will be enforced once again, but until then we will live life as normally as possible taking necessary precautions, what more can you do???

Love this roadside barrier at Angoulême
Campsite along the river, so much happening- rowers, skiers and a dog barking orders at the crew.
Saumur castle
Along the River Loire

This was an interesting stretch along the Loire, some of the troglodyte caves are still being lived in if somewhat updated, whilst others are mushroom growing businesses.

An original cave
A modern cave
A mushroom farm

Our route North took us up through Mayenne area and we couldn’t resist a certain drive by! Who recognises this Château???