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On the road again with our travelling companions

Enjoying the scenery as we travel in “Parsley” the Peugeot and stopping off to research areas as our possible next home base.

Lots of research going on here!

Thought you might like to join in with us, with the following photos?

A short stroll from the campsite
One of the roundabouts entering a village on the French Camino.
The scallop shells are carried by the pilgrims
Got a bit of a thing about roundabouts!!

Last couple of days we’ve been around the area of Confolens. So much history, so much to learn.

Not such great weather that day.

We then took a short drive to Saint-Germain-de-Confolens. The village grew up in the Middle Ages at the foot of the castle on the banks of the Issoire and Vienne rivers.

The remains of the medieval castle
Would love to hear what these walls have to say?
Feathered friends at one of the campsites
Can I have one of these please?

These fabulous old places have the most amazing and emotionally moving cemeteries. So many memorials and tombstones from past wars.