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Well it’s all go with the house hunting currently, if we’re not viewing with agents we’re driving around “researching “ areas!
There are some lovely properties around where we are currently based in both the Dordogne and Lot-et-Garonne, but after 10 visits 2 had offers accepted the same afternoon we were there and unfortunately the others didn’t give us that “warm, fuzzy feeling “ you get when you just know it’s the right place.

The sort of French character we’re after.

Still we’ve been seeing a lot of the countryside and already beginning to feel that we know our way around certain areas. Taking notes and making comparisons certainly helps to sort out those places that appeal or not!

Think I could cope with that view
So what’s down there then?

It was good to have my big bro’ join us for a couple of days of “research”.

On the hunting theme it was fascinating the other morning to hear Les Chasseurs in action. Weekend hunts are very much a part of French culture like it or not and to hear the hounds and French horn echoing through the valley definitely had the blood running! Unlike English fox hunting, these guys are on foot with a variety of hounds all on the trail of wild boar.

Certainly caught both boys attention, although not sure about Chris at the kitchen window!