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Sitting in the cool inside with temperatures outside reminiscent of Oz at 38 degrees.

Summer has definitely arrived and most areas of France are considered to be in a drought situation with certain water restrictions such as no car washing or swimming pool topping up – first world issues!? It’s been a busy month as events return and travel is open so an opportunity to visit a few places and catch up with old friends.

First it was a day of a different kind of horsepower when we visited the Circuit du Val de Vienne in our neighbouring department.

Normally an annual event this gathering of “500 Ferraris” and a variety of classic and modern race cars is a great fund raiser for cancer research and certainly highly recommended (even for a non petrol head 😂) Chris was in his element and we were delighted to spot a familiar face amongst the crowds when we spotted Eddy Perk preparing his classic Formula 1 car. We got chatting to Eddy on a cross channel ferry a few years ago when we parked next to his “toy box”, with another Formula 1  en route to race in Pau on that occasion.

Better include a few more photos or I might be accused of favouring the other sort of horse power!

The next and most recent highlight of the month was a return to Jersey.

A fabulous week based with “very old” friends 😊 Lesley and Trevor meant we were able to reunite with some folk we haven’t seen for a number of years and a brother we are now lucky enough to catch up with regularly. It was also a great opportunity to act the tourist on an island that was my home during school years and where I met and married Chris (we spent our first 8 years together there before crossing the world to a bigger island.)

The crossing from St Malo was quick and easy the only drawback being the 7.00am check in when it’s a 4/ 5 hour drive from home! The plus side being that we just had to night stop and enjoy an evening meal within the old walls before setting sail the next day.

Just had to be moules frites!

The walls of St Malo

Jersey really was at her best in the warm, sunny weather as we filled our week with coastal walks, trips to “the capital”😊 and a “research trip” to the Jersey zoo, home of the Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust. Throw in some wonderful meals with good friends and it made for a memorable trip.

The fruit and veg market in St Helier was still as colourful as ever.

Loved this herd of Jersey cows, beautiful life sized sculptures refreshing themselves in one of the precincts.

A visit to Jersey Zoo brought back childhood memories, all very different now from the initial small conservation trust set up by the wonderful Gerald Durrell. Had to purchase a souvenir, a thick paperback copy of his Corfu Trilogy which has kept me enthralled and often crying with laughter at his recollections of growing up with his Family  And Other Animals.

Apart from seeing the endangered species being bred there,  it was worth spending time in the history area where many photos and articles record the development of this world renowned “zoo”. Jambo the gorilla was a celebrity back in the eighties when he stood guard over a young lad who had fallen into the enclosure and lay unconscious amongst the troop.

Another Island inhabitant and also endangered are the puffins, where breeding pairs are closely monitored.

This fabulous art work is made of woven reeds and stands proudly above one of the coastal walks, where hopefully it will survive the elements for up to 2 years.

Another form of artwork! The cleverly knitted tops to many of the post boxes, celebrating the Queen’s Jubilee.

And finally after indulging in all the fabulous seafood and shellfish that is on offer our final lunch just had to be fish and chips!!