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The first weekend in March we headed back down into familiar territory when we returned to Monflanquin, to catch up with Carolyn and to revisit our first home in France. We spent 4 months during the summer of 2020  in the beautiful rural surrounds of Lot et Garonne and it was fascinating to pay another visit as Winter turns to Spring. Not only an opportunity to catch up with our earliest “French friends” but also to see more horses!!! Off to nearby Villereal on Sunday morning to see a stallion (etalon) parade.

As we enjoyed the sunshine a varied selection of stallions were brought forward including trotters, competition stallions and a pony. A large crowd lined either side of the courtyard and there was certainly no concern about health and safety as toddlers, push chairs and dogs mingled around the stables.

Looking stunning at 18 years old a familiar friend “Wish Upon A Star” KWPN by Gribaldi x Pasmiek.

One of two Spanish stallions this is “Fenicio Fuentes.”

And the second “Pure Race Espagnole” was Decidido CP11

The big moving Connemara pony “Killaughey Hazy Oliver”

Unfortunately didn’t catch the name of this Selle Francais

But this is “Newton De Kreisler” by Diamant De Semilly.

Once each of the dozen stallions had paraded we all adjourned to the barn where pizzas and nibbles were laid out and a huge selection of drinks, in true French style.😊

On Monday morning having said au revoir to  Carolyn, cats and stallions we headed back on the 3 hour drive home, taking time to stop off at Allemans with it’s unusual church spire and to also view from a distance the medieval chateau at Barbezieux.

Mural in the Bastide town of Monflanquin.

The distinctive spire of the Allemans church

Barbezieux chateau hidden amongst the village streets.

A medieval pedestrian crossing??

Another historic(al??) outing was taken last month when Dave made it over from Jersey for a quick trip. We drove the half hour or so to see one of the Charente Chateaux at La Rochefoucauld. Unfortunately not open until a little later in the year it is still a magnificent sight from the outside. Originally built in the Middle Ages various additions over the centuries look down from the elevated site above the old town.

And what do you know but there is a fine chocolatier on the other side of the bridge!

Might just have to have one of those, oh and one of those …………😊

Well life was returning to some sort of normality after 2 years of Covid and now there is the Russia/Ukraine situation, what next????? 😢